martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

Person / Expert I admire

I think that all of us are a brilliant person with the same capacities but, not all had the same motivation for develop our minds in the same way.

I admire Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm , when he was one year old , his family moved to Munich up to 15 years , then he income in the "Federal Polytechnic School of Zurich", then he worked in the "Swiss Federal Office of Intellectual Property", at the 53 years ,after going through different jobs, he traveled to United States until his death in 1955.

He published 4 articles about , Photoelectric effect , the Brownian movement , the theory of special relativity and The mass-energy equivalence , the first made it win the Nobel Prize in Physics of 1921, the second the degree of doctor, and the last two consecrated him as the best 20th century scientific.

I admire him because I think that he did many things that break with schemes when he proposing new thing in his articles.

2 comentarios:

  1. Great post!
    Einstein was a person capable of breaking cultural norms and think of the wonders of the universe.

  2. It is incredible how Einstein came to break everything that had been said about reality. He is a god!!!
