martes, 25 de abril de 2017

My favourite piece of computer

Since i was a child always I dreamed with have a computer , this is my favourite piece of technology right now.

The computer was updated until our times , in the past you can only use to work , but now you can send e-mails in no time , communicate with person in other part of the world , see videos about anything , meet new friends, learn new things , play videogames. It's like you mix a machine of write , cell phone , game console , dvd-cd  reproducer , and a lot of things more.
When a I was a child , I see a movies about "hackers" they infiltrated in the government and do incredibles things, so when I have 12 years old , I ask to my parents if they could buy a computer and they accept , I used to do work of school , until that I update and have a gamer computer , I rig up my new computer , I bought a graphic card , ram and more things , so now I use to work of the university, play different kind of video games , see videos , communicate with my friends , send e-mails so that's why I like. 

I use all days , always , so if the people doesn't have ,they would return to the library , and return the letters , the machine of write , and anoth
er things.

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