miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back

what is the nanotechnology?

To get started the nanotechnology, is dedicated to the design and manipulation of matter at the level of atoms or molecules, for industrial or medical purposes, among others.

I chose a nanometer implant in the retina, basically, it can be used to heal different kinds of blindness so if we think, that are a very important invention.

Let's think of a man or woman, they will be parents and one of they are blindness, and she will never be able to see her son, let's put us in their place, how would you feel if you knew there a chance to see?.

Could help tens of millions of people around the world suffer from neurodegenerative diseases that affect vision, such as macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa and vision loss caused by diabetes, then when this perfect would change the world of many people.

Although in chemistry and pharmacy it does not have much importance, if you have it in the area of health that is the common area,

In don't learn this in the university, I read in the newspaper and caught my attention, I found it very interesting, apparently has no disadvantages so is an incredible invention.

martes, 6 de junio de 2017

My favorite subject

The Chemistry 

To get started I like many subjects but my favorite is chemistry because is the base of my career and it so interesting, thanks to the chemistry we can know many compositions of things, the reaction between substances, so is a beautiful subject what help us to understand our environment in the chemical part.

In the class, until now we have theoretical classes because we must learn the basic concepts in order to advance to the practical class, this class is complemented with laboratory techniques in which they teach us the instruments of the laboratory and who to use.

In the class, we reinforce all the basic concepts and then when we know, we deepen the concepts, most are new but what makes it on the one hand, very interesting.

what makes it interesting is that later we can do different experiments and investigations to discover new things that can help to the persons or complement other investigation of scientist, so is a beautiful subject, that we must learn in the areas of the science and health.